It’s 5th Grade Passport Season

1. Where can I get my passport?
a. We do not accept any mail in applications and have no pick up/drop off locations so you must apply for your child's passport online at
2. When will I receive my passport?
a. Your passport will automatically generate once your payment through PayPal has successfully been submitted and cleared. You will also be emailed a PDF copy of the passport to the email address you indicated in your child's application. Check your spam or junk mail folder. YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE ANYTHING IN THE POSTAL SERVICE MAIL. IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE AN EMAIL OR SEE A POP UP SCREEN WITH A DOWNLOAD OF THE PASSPORT email and let us know so we can trouble shoot for you.
3. Once I receive my pass, how do I use it?
a. Just pull up your passport on your mobile device (or print it out) and take it with you to the ski hill. Children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian for the passport to be valid. Present the passport to the designated ticketing window, DO NOT turn the passport in, the ski hill will not collect them, the passport is yours to keep for the duration of the season. The mountain will track passport usage by the unique number printed on the passport. b. A tip for those mountains where you may not have good wi-fi or phone service if you're planning on showing the passport on your mobile device at the mountain. Save the PDF as a document onto your mobile device and that way you do not have to rely on cell phone service or wi-fi connections to show your passport.
4. Do you only accept payment through PayPal?
a. Yes, all payments to the Ski NW Rockies Association are submitted through PayPal (using credit cards). We will not accept credit card payments over the phone as it is an online only application process.
5. Do you have to have a PayPal account to purchase a passport?
a. If you do not have an existing PayPal account, there is no need to create one to complete the transaction, just have your credit card information ready. Please note, if you have ever had an existing PayPal account that you have not officially closed, they will require you to log in to complete the transaction. If you have any issues applying for your passport try using a different computer or device and/or try adjusting the security settings for your device.
6. What if I lose my passport?
a. If you lose your passport please contact us at and we will email you a new PDF copy of the passport.
7. My child doesn't live in Washington or Idaho, can they still use the passport?
a. Absolutely. Any 5th grade student is welcome to use the passport if they plan on skiing at any of the participating resorts in the program. Find out who is participating at
8. How is my child's passport usage tracked?
a. Each passport has a unique tracking number listed at the top. The mountains will electronically track your child's visits using that number each time his or her passport is presented at the ski hill.
9. Are there any additional costs with the ski free passport?
a. No, there is only a one-time $23 processing fee due at the time of application.
10. How many times can my child use their passport?
a. 5th grade passports are eligible for 3 full-day lift tickets at EACH of the participating resorts.
11. Are there any blackout dates?
a. Yes, this is depended on the mountaintains.
49 Degrees North:Dec 21, 2024 – Jan 5, 2025, Jan 18 – Jan 20, 2025, Feb 15 – Feb 17, 2025. Lesson and rental offers not valid 4/7/25 – 4/13/25.
Mt Spokane: Dec. 21, 2024–Jan. 5, 2025.
Silver Mountain Resort: 12/20/24-01/04/25, 01/18/25- 1/20/25, and 02/15/25 - 02/17/25. Lesson and rental offers not valid 4/7/25–4/13/25.
Lookout Pass: 12/20/2024-1/5/25; 1/18-19-20/25; 2/14-15-16-17/25; 3/16/25 and 3/30/25.
12. Are there any additional offers for the 5thGraders or their family?
a. Yes, click here for the extras like FREE lessons, rentals and more!
13. What if I have additional questions about the program
a. We are always available to answer any of your questions, just shoot us an email at
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